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All in good time
It’s been a while, and much has happened in the two years that I've neglected The MindFrame Minute. In short, two unexpected challenges...
Disrupting Intensity
I have the kind of clients who are going places. Some are trying to figure out where to take their career next. Others are working to...
Spot of tea?
Learn a self-reflection process that can help you slow down and choose an intentional path forward.
I'm flattered, but no.
If you have noticed a pattern of overcommitting and regretting it, try asking yourself these questions...
What a long year this week has been
If you are anything like me, even if you find yourself safe and back at home with the power restored, your nerves are still shot.
Can doing less at work result in a net gain?
Creating better boundaries in the short term will lead to more sustainable success in the long term.
Get off your butt and rest?
Advice can be confusing: The wisdom you need depends on what you are experiencing in the moment.
Sometimes slowing down is the work
Once we are in overdrive, we have to work harder to recover.
Comparison is the thief of joy
When you feel like you don't measure up, it may be time to shift focus.  
Prune your commitments
When it comes to demands on our time, we must evaluate what is in our control to change.
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